Upper Division

  • Introduction to Contemporary Dance- Contemporary 1 (Levels 3 & 4)

    Mondays 4:15-5:15pm

    An introductory course designed for those new to contemporary dance. Basic movements, fundamental techniques, and the foundational principles of contemporary dance are the main focus. Emphasis on body awareness, basic posture, and simple improvisation exercises. Introduction to how contemporary dance borrows elements from dance styles all over the world. Introduction to basic contemporary movements such as floorwork, contractions, and isolations

    1 class per week: $290 per 9-week session

    2+ classes per week: $235 per 9-week session

  • Contemporary 2 (Level 5)

    Tuesdays 4:15pm-5:45pm

    A course for beginners with some dance experience, or those who have completed the intro class. Building on basic movements, introducing simple choreography, and enhancing coordination and musicality. Experimentation with different movement qualities, dynamics, and spatial awareness. Exploration of how contemporary dance incorporates and contrasts with other techniques such as ballet, jazz, and hip hop. Introduction to conditioning, release technique, and more involved floorwork.

    1 class per week: $295 per 9-week session

    2+ classes per week: $245 per 9-week session

Advanced Division

  • Contemporary 3 (Levels A/B)

    Tuesdays 4:15pm-5:45pm

    Designed for dancers with a solid understanding of contemporary dance basics and some experience. Developing technical skills, increasing complexity in choreography and refining performance quality. Greater focus on improvisation, weight sharing and partnering, and creating original movement sequences. Delving deeper into how contemporary dance blends elements from modern dance, ballet, and other styles– therefore creating a more versatile dancer. Advancing floorwork technique and getting more familiar with conditioning, jumps, turns, hinging, isolations, contractions, and inversions.

    1 class per week: $300 per 9-week session

    2+ classes per week: $245 per 9-week session

  • Contemporary 4 (Levels C/D)

    Fridays 4:15pm-5:45pm

    A course for experienced dancers looking to refine contemporary technique and artistry. Exploration of advanced technique, complex choreography and expressive performance. Encouragement of personal artistic expression through extensive improvisation and choreographic projects. Advanced analysis of how contemporary dance integrates and pushes the boundaries of traditional dance forms, encouraging innovation and individuality. Complex and involved floorwork, inversions, jumps, turns, and conditioning.

    1 class per week: $300 per 9-week session

    2+ classes per week: $245 per 9-week session

  • Contemporary 3/4 (Levels A-D)

    Thursdays 5:45-7:15 pm

    This class is for dancers eligible for Contemporary 3 or Contemporary 4. Reiteration of important contemporary technique and how it translates to other forms of dance. Extensive improvisation exercises to explore the individual dancer’s style without specific direction. Floorwork, inversions, jumps, turns, conditioning, and introduction to creation of movement phrasing.

    1 class per week: $300 per 9-week session

    2+ classes per week: $245 per 9-week session

  • Composition and Choreography (Levels A-D)

    Saturdays 11:00am-12:00pm

    In this course students will learn how to compose various contemporary dance pieces. Students will learn how to plan and arrange movements, steps and patterns of dancers. This class will also explore different choreographic tools such as time, space and energy.

    Dance students not interested in choreographing are encouraged to take the coarse as active participants to further their understanding of the choreographic process; working with multiple choreographers.

    1 class per week: $300 per 9-week session

    Honors class (5th class) per week: $200 per 9-week session